Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Robins taking turns at the water trough

The office was closed today due to the snowy weather and upcoming storm scheduled to hit this afternoon. I spent a little extra time outside this morning doing barn cleaning and just hanging out with the llamas and ponies. On one of my trips out to the paddock, I noticed a large group of Robins taking turns at the water trough. I counted approximately 20 of them up in the trees and another 6 on the ground and on the water trough. With the trough nearly full, they were able to perch on the edge and get drinks from the water warmed by the trough heater. That must seem a luxury to a wild bird.

I didn't want to miss the photo opportunity so I headed back to the house for my camera and switched out a workhorse lens to replace it with a longer F 2.8. There were so many shades of grey in the potential shot, I knew the longer lens was going to be required to allow you to pick out the beautiful little birds in these photos. I ended up being surprised at how close they let me stand in order to capture their photographs. For a few of these shots, I was only about 15 feet away!

The Robins' resourcefulness and the way they seemed to take turns at the trough was soothing to my heart and restoring to my soul. I am grateful for a day away from the grind at work and the stress of the office. I hope you enjoy the photos of the Robins at the trough and in the trees waiting their turns. Our male llama, FFF Mas Chiri, also came out to observe the scene and to get his picture taken! Llamas are so curious.
Photos by Vickie J. Maris

Heartsong Llamas of Dawn of Promise Farm
Battle Ground, IN

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