Friday, July 23, 2010

Shearing llamas for the show

I was updating the show cuts on three of the llamas on Wednesday morning at Dawn of Promise Farm, so they'd look their best for the Indiana State Fair which is coming in a couple of weeks. Most of the time, I just stand the llamas in the barn aisle tied to a stall with a bag of hay in front of them. If one is a little scared, I will tie a llama next to her who doesn't mind shearing. That always helps them build their confidence.

The llama girls helped me out on the shearing task with one of the youngest herd members who wasn't convinced she needed a new cut. They had me laughing out loud. Gisele was not all that certain she wanted to be sheared. As she would wiggle her hind end over to the right, Betty and Cresta, would threaten to spit at her which would send her back my way. They did this three or four times and then Gisele decided that standing still was by far the best option. I finished her show cut rather quickly with Betty and Cresta standing guard over the scene. The whole time, my littlest llama, 3-week-old Kerry Blue, was standing behind me watching everything and pulling on my t-shirt tail. He is the friendliest and most curious little guy. He loved the blower that I used on the llamas before I shear, but he found it best to stand next to one of the big girls so it didn't blow him down the barn aisle!

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